So I had already squished two teeny spiders on my bedroom ceiling and one long-legged but little-bodied one in the bath and one brown one on the living room floor. So I was in a highly-strung state of OMFGWHEREARETHESPIDERSTHEY'REACTUALLYONMEAREN'THEYYESTHEYAREOMGGGGG!
I feel the need to point out here that I usually have an incredibly accurate spider sense. If I get the feeling there is a spider around, usually there is.
At this particular time, I was dying of spider-senses. Having had so many in one evening, I was pretty sure that the spider sense I had on my routine visit to the bathroom before bed was only a residual memory from the last four spiders. Turns out it wasn't. Anyway, I was sitting on the toilet doing mah stuff...
And then finished doing mah stuff, and got up to wash my hands...
And then I SAW it...
It was horrifying!!! Understandably I think, I totally freaked out.
I ran into my bedroom, where my Best Friend Viki was sitting on the bed. She knew instantly from my panic-stricken state that the only cause was a spider of giant proportions. So she went to see, it was still sitting on the corner of the windowsill, very clearly visible from the doorway as a huge black splodge of evil. Pansying away, we fetched my older sister to look too. We decided that we would take of it like adults. After a few minutes of squealing (quietly as it was night-time)...
We decided the courageous action of fetching our lovely mother was necessary. She got out of her nice warm, comfy bed to come and save us from the evils of the spider. Even blinded without her glasses, she could see the spider waiting quietly in the corner, probably shitting itself in fear of Mummy Spider-Killer.
With only a bit of tissue, Spider-Killer Mummy squished that evil monster..!
While we hid in the bedroom behind a fly-swat my sister had pointlessly retrieved...
Having safely squished and flushed the spider-remains, Spider-Killer Mummy came to comfort us brave 21 and 22-year-olds. We did the only possible thing, and hid inside her hugs, shivering from the evil spider presence that had tormented us for a whole five minutes prior to her wondrous, angelic arrival.
Spider-Killer Mummy comforted us all for several minutes, calming us down. When we were freed from our hysterics, she gave us each a kiss on the head...
And went back to bed...
Ah, Spider-Killer Mummy! If only we were as brave as you!
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