Saturday, 30 March 2013

Washing Fails

The weather is a bit hit and miss for washing, but washing needs to be done regardless! It's so much nicer when I can put it out, so I've been waiting for those sunny days! (I say that, no washing today, seeing as it's snowing right now!)

So today's comic is about the various fails around washing days!

Because there are trees overhanging our washing lines, the whole bird poop thing is far too common an occurrence. In fact, they seem particularly fond of pooping right on Nick's blue shirt. Every time I've hung it out the last few days it's been pooped on and just gone straight back into the machine to wait for the next wash! I wonder why they like that shirt so much...

Anyway! I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope I can do a wash without having it messed up by something soon!

Also on a side-note, the blog will only be updated Tuesday and Friday from today! This one-a-day posting leaves me no time for real life :P

Friday, 29 March 2013

Serious Face

Well this isn't a serious post, obviously, but it has semi-serious implications.
I personally like my scars - I'm not ashamed of them, they are a part of my past just like everything else about me. That said, I'm not going to tell every Tom, Dick and Harry that - and especially not the chav whose face features in this comic!

For the bit of necessary background information, this comic is set many months ago, back when I still worked at McDonalds. There were many chavs who would hang around inside and outside, and it was part of my job to get them the hell out unless they were eating. Which they rarely were.


The thing I enjoyed the most about this whole situation was that he just got up and left after I'd stared at him with that serious face for about half a minute xD

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Plug-hole Nightmre

A new post! That's one a day for a few days now - shocking! This is a little story which happened while I was cleaning the new apartment when we first moved in. Enjoy!

As the picture says - Job Done! Whew, this was a long one, it took aaaages!

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Sleeping Drips

Well, as you may have gathered from my other posts, we've recently moved. Now the bedroom is in the basement, and there's a fire escape which leads into a stairway covered with a plastic conservatory type thing. Only problem is, when it rains it's LOUD. Also, there is a drippy noise occasionally which is nothing to do with the weather. This comic is about that random drippy splashy water falling noise!

I hope you enjoy my life's little quirks :P


So yes, that's another day in the life of Keri! xD

One day I might run out of ideas, but my full pages notebook begs to differ. Clearly my life is too silly :P

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Apron Love

When I first got my sewing machine from my gran, the first thing I made from scratch was an apron, so I could use it while I was cleaning the old flat as we left it, and the new one as we entered it. This is just a little comic to show how that went. Ahh bleach, how I both love and hate your power!

So yeah, I love my apron! Bleach smudges and all!

Monday, 25 March 2013

Washing Days

Just a quick one today (I say that, but even the ones which are quick to read take me two or three hours to make). I should think that anyone who has ever done washing will understand this one! I won't even crowd the page with writing, it rather speaks for itself!

It's always inevitable that as soon as you want to hang washing out, it rains! This has happened to me once even just putting in the machine. I just switched it on, and down came the rain! 
Oh well! That's life.

Friday, 22 March 2013

Spider Attack II

So this is the first update in some time, and I'll post a little background before the comic (just a little, don't worry!).

My boyfriend and I have recently moved into a new flat (just downstairs of the one we rented last year, to be honest) and I have been unpacking and cleaning like the crazy OCD person I am... More on that later too.
Also a quick apology for the inconsistent colours... I pick them out of the palette and don't save them, so I just improvise!

Today's comic begins with me unpacking and folding up clothes and sheets to be put onto a set of shelves...

I was quite happy, I mean we're now in the basement flat so spiders are par for the course, but mostly they're the ones with lots of leg and tiny bodies, which I can hoover or squish without too much trauma. But then, as I went to put away my neatly folded clothes on the bottom shelf...


 Frankly, I did what any normal person would do.... 

I scream like a little girl.

And I backed the hell up! 
Then I proceeded to spend the next 15 minutes spazzing out, by which I mean trying to calm down. More than anything else, I calmed down because spazzing is an effort, and I am a lazy person.

So then out came the hoover (which had been just used to do the bedroom floor and the various little spiders in the bedroom).

I really, honestly tried! But I just couldn't do it!!! And then he hid behind the shelves and I couldn't see him directly, which of course led to more spazz...

He's STILL THERE now! 

Luckily, that's the bottom of the stairs and I have been drawing this up at the top of the stairs on the sofa... It's my hope I scared him enough that he'll stay there until my partner comes back from work, and until I get back from my part-time job... Then we can support each other as we face the spider of doom!

Oh Spider-Killer Mummy, how I miss your amazing spider-squishing courage powers!