Saturday, 30 March 2013

Washing Fails

The weather is a bit hit and miss for washing, but washing needs to be done regardless! It's so much nicer when I can put it out, so I've been waiting for those sunny days! (I say that, no washing today, seeing as it's snowing right now!)

So today's comic is about the various fails around washing days!

Because there are trees overhanging our washing lines, the whole bird poop thing is far too common an occurrence. In fact, they seem particularly fond of pooping right on Nick's blue shirt. Every time I've hung it out the last few days it's been pooped on and just gone straight back into the machine to wait for the next wash! I wonder why they like that shirt so much...

Anyway! I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope I can do a wash without having it messed up by something soon!

Also on a side-note, the blog will only be updated Tuesday and Friday from today! This one-a-day posting leaves me no time for real life :P

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