Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Night of Shivers

So I was going to upload a bit more of my weekend with Faithy today, but on Sunday night it was such a moment of failure that I had to upload that story instead!

So on Sunday night I was playing my computer game when I remembered I actually had stuff I was supposed to be doing (such as tidying up).

(Bonus points to you if you can guess the game from my mumbling there… :P)
While drawing this picture I also realised that I’ve been drawing my hair wrong all this time – I’ve been drawing it as it would look in a mirror, not as other people see me. So I’ve changed it. Whether I’ll remember for future comics or not is another matter entirely…
So I got up, and I closed the curtain on the spider-invested fire-escape. And there was one right next to the window, I swear it waved at me with one leg!

So then I moved on to tidying up, and was picking up things for washing the next day…

And of course, the result was a manic rush for the hoover.

At moments like this, I really appreciate that Nick is much more a master of his fears than I am! He does these things like a boss, while I shiver in a corner xD
And then (after the inevitable hugging and consoling), we went upstairs to get ready for bed. And as we were brushing our teeth…

They sounded like they were RIGHT outside… But let’s face it; cats are much less scary than spiders even if they are fighting. It’s still eerie though, especially when you can’t see them and they sound so close. So… Yeah. A night of shivering in a corner for me! I’m surprised that sleep came so easily in the end! But then, Nick is very good at making me feel better.

And with that lovey-dovey thought in mind, I bid you adieu!

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